I really need to know the event that fires when row is entered into the grid, not just a column editing is complete.
I know that the grid knows when editing for the whole row is finished, as it then creates a new row in the grid when you indicate you are done adding the new row by pressing the enter key. I need to call my method to handle my logic there.
I tried handling the EditModeEnded event but it fires after I am done adding data for each column not for the whole row.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I figured out the solution for my problem...in case anyone is looking for it.....
this.Grid.ExecutingCommand +=new EventHandler<Infragistics.Windows.Controls.Events.ExecutingCommandEventArgs>(Grid_ExecutingCommand)
//if committing the record addition then invoke sort:
if( e.Command == Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.DataPresenterCommands.EndEditModeAndCommitRecord )
//Do your app logic here.......