I'm trying to print a XamDataGrid with its content, but have no idea how to do so.
From previous posts, it seems like printing is still not supported by xdg, so I've tried to use XPS and passing in the grid to the XpsDocumentWriter, but I'm having problems with pagination.
Can someone give me a simple example of how to print a long XamDataGrid into multiple A4 pages?
1. Infragistics.Wpf.vX.X
2. Infragistics.Wpf.Reporting.vX.X
3. Infragistics.Wpf.DataPresenter.vX.X
Here is the C# code how to print the xamDataGrid
Report reportObj = new Report();
EmbeddedVisualReportSection section = new EmbeddedVisualReportSection(xamGrid);
I also suggest you the following :
3. Look in the NetAdvantage for WPF xamFeatureBrowser->Reporting->Getting Started->
xamDataGrid Reporting sample to realize how to print or export the xamDataGrid to
By the way, I've read that Volume 2 will support printing, which is great. However, before volume 2 is released as stable, I'll have to make do with what I have with volume 1.
I'd appreciate it if someone can show me the simplest example of paginating and exporting a XPS document of a XamDataGrid.