Is there any way to disable the ribbon context menu so that we can apply our own context menus to the ribbon controls?
I was able to reproduce the issue. This should be addressed in the next hotfix. You should contact the support group and reference issue # 15396 so you can be notified when the hotfix is available.
I am trying to use a ContextMenu on a ListView in a ToolHorizontalWrapPanel. I tried setting the ContextMenu directly on the Ribbon Tool, (which sounds like the original problem) but that didn't work either. The only way I could get it to pop my menu instead of the Ribbon's was to use PreviewMouseRightButtonDown to handle the event.
<igRibbon:ToolHorizontalWrapPanel> <ListView x:Name="ErrorMessagesView" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" Background="{Binding Path=Background, ElementName=xamRibbon, Mode=Default}" BorderThickness="0" ToolTipService.ShowDuration="30000" MinWidth="400" PreviewMouseRightButtonDown="ErrorMessagesView_MouseRightButtonDown" MaxWidth="800"> <ListView.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="ListViewItem"> <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Top" /> <Setter Property="MinHeight" Value="20" /> </Style> </ListView.ItemContainerStyle> <ListView.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Header="Copy to Clipboard" Click="MenuItem_Click"/> </ContextMenu> </ListView.ContextMenu>
I believe the issue that discussed at the top was addressed so if you're still seeing an issue perhaps you have a different issue. I would recommend submitting a sample project to the support group that demonstrates the issue so we can look into it. Also, if you can post the sample here so I can see what you mean.
Its easy enough to hack around this with MouseRightButtonDown on your menu'd control and just set ContextMenu.IsOpen = true from code behind.
Has this been fixed? I just ried 8.2.20082.1002 and no joy.