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XAMDataGrid ComboBoxField Converter Binding

Hello - We are evaluating your product and have a question regarding binding converters.

We have a ComboBox in our XamDataGrid.  It's ItemSource is an observable collection of id/value pairs.  The selected value of the ComboBox is bound to a property in our view model.  Everything works fine if the bound property is a native string.  However, if we attempt to bind to a property of a complex type using a converter, the value coming into the converter is always null.

Here is the XAML (ItemsSource is bound in code behind):

<igDP:ComboBoxField Name="CustomerId" Converter="{StaticResource idToStringConverter}" 
                      IsEditable="True" IsEnabled="True">
<Style TargetType="igEditors:XamComboEditor">
<Setter Property="ValuePath" Value="Id" />
<Setter Property="DisplayMemberPath" Value="DisplayName" />

Here is our Converter:

 public class IdToStringConverter : IValueConverter 
      public object Convert ( object value, Type targetType, object parameter,
CultureInfo culture )
           return ( value is Id) ? ( ( Id ) value ).Value: null;

       public object ConvertBack ( object value, Type targetType, object parameter, 
CultureInfo culture )
           return ( value is string ) ? new Id( value as string ): null;

Here is the property we are trying to bind to in our ViewModel:
public Id CustomerId { set; get; }

When we bind to a native WPF DataGrid ComboboxColumn, it is simply this:

="{Binding Path=CustomerId, 
Converter={StaticResource idToStringConverter}}"

We have searched your forums and samples but have not found a straightforward answer.

Thank you