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Selected Item?

List<Employee> employees = Service.GetEmployees();

xamDataGrid1.DataSource = employees;


 How can I get  the selected item in terms of an Employee object.. the docs only mention get the selected row and then retrieving stuff via cell values...


 Found solution:

PersonEntity selectedPerson = ((Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.DataRecord)(xamDataGrid1.SelectedItems.Records[0])).DataItem as PersonEntity;

  • 4850
    Offline posted

    Note that selection and activation are 2 separate concepts in the XamDataGrid. You can have 0 or more selected records at any time but there is only ever 1 active record.

    If you are interested in the selected records then the solution you describe should work. If you want the active record then do this:

    PersonEntity pe = null; 

    DataRecord dr = XamDataGrid1.ActiveRecord as DataRecord;

    if ( dr != null ) pe = rd.DataItem as PersonEntity;


    Note: the reason that you need to cast to a DataRecord is because ActiveRecord returns the Record base class since it could also be an instance of a GroupByRecord or an ExpandableFieldRecord.