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Pivot Grid Style


I am styling the Pivot grid, and finding inspiration in the sample browser. Most of it seems to be wokring, but I have one problem. 

See atcched screenshot. 

I want to hide all columns marked with a green box, but I have a problem with the "Seller" column. I've been trying:

<Style x:Key="RowDropFieldsAreaStyle" TargetType="igPrim:RowsFieldDropAreaControl">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed"></Setter>
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent"></Setter>

The button is correct hidden, but the background color is still light gray. The background changes only takes effect if the area is not Collapsed. 

Any idea on which control I should set the background color?

  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hi logimatic,

    The light gray that you still see is from a Border element that exists behind the RowsFieldDropAreaControl.  Unfortunately I think you will need to retemplate the XamPivotGrid in order to change this color as it is pulling that border color from a StaticResource in the theme so there's no way for you to override that color.

    If you have the product installed you can go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\<version#>\WPF\Themes\IG (based on your screenshot it looks like the IG theme)\IG.xamPivotGrid.xaml and open that in a text editor.  Then search for the XamPivotGrid main style and in the template you will find the RowsFieldDropAreaControl.  Actually, in that template search for "FieldChooserPanel".  This should be the name of the Grid element that contains the RowsFieldDropAreaControl.  Above that Grid element is the Border element that has the Background set to the light gray color.

    Let me know if you have any questions on this.

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