how to keep vertical scroll bar on a previous position after refreshing data grid using MVVM design pattern?
this is our approach which also keeps the horizontal scroll position
call this method before you refresh:gridVerticalScrollPosition and gridHorizontalScrollPosition are private variables
private void getGridScrollPosition() { if (grdData.ScrollInfo != null) { gridVerticalScrollPosition = grdData.ScrollInfo.VerticalOffset; gridHorizontalScrollPosition = grdData.ScrollInfo.HorizontalOffset; } }
then after refresh, scroll the grid back doing something like this:
private void scrollGridToPreviousPosition() { if (grdData.ScrollInfo != null) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, (System.Threading.ThreadStart)delegate { grdData.ScrollInfo.SetVerticalOffset(gridVerticalScrollPosition); }); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, (System.Threading.ThreadStart)delegate { grdData.ScrollInfo.SetHorizontalOffset(gridHorizontalScrollPosition); }); } }
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Are you updating records or completely resetting the datasource?
1. If you are resetting the datasource I recommend using the XamDataGrid BringRecordIntoView method and pass the record of the last record in view.
var x = xdg1.GetRecordsInView(true);DataRecord lastRecord = x[x.Count() - 1] as DataRecord; int index = xdg1.Records.IndexOf(lastRecord) - 1; xdg1.DataSource = null;xdg1.DataSource = vm.Data; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>{ xdg1.BringRecordIntoView(xdg1.Records[index]);}));
var x = xdg1.GetRecordsInView(true);DataRecord lastRecord = x[x.Count() - 1] as DataRecord;
int index = xdg1.Records.IndexOf(lastRecord) - 1;
xdg1.DataSource = null;xdg1.DataSource = vm.Data;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>{ xdg1.BringRecordIntoView(xdg1.Records[index]);}));
2. If you are replacing the collection with another then you may want to suspend PropertyChanged notifications from firing to notify the view that the collection was changed.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Michael Di FilippoAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics,