Hello, I need to color a splinearea series with two different colors, depending on the crossing of a custom Xline.See attachment.Any idea on how to achieve this behavior?
Thanks in advance
Hello famproject,
Thank you for following up. I am glad you were able to utilize the RangeArea series to meet your requirement. However I do not have a more suitable solution to avoid tinkering with the datasource.
Let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this matter.
Hi Michael, I solved the problem using a base Area series covered with a RangeArea series, modifying accordingly the points of the second series to allow the different color to appear only when crossing the threshold. See image attached.
If you have some other trick to be used, possibly without managing and modyifing the datasources, I'll appreciate it.
HI Michael, that's quite simple.
Let's take the EnergyDataSanmple datasource and create a spline area to show the Oil Category series for example. Suppose the threshold line is set to a value = 12 or whatever you like (Create a secondary XAxis with Crossing value = 12)
Now, if I create a secondary spline with the series built by looping through the Oil category points and cutting out all values < 12, the result is a spline that will never fit the original spline at the very beginning of the series because of the interpolation algorithm I suppose.
Another problem to face with is the filling area of the secondary series that should be based on the threshold line.
I don't think that a secondary spline is a suitable way to proceed.
Thank you for your reply. From my understanding, you need to determine the location of the threshold line is based on your data? So the data updating frequently?
Please clarify all of requirements, that way I can have a better understanding to assist you further.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you Michael, I've already tried with multiple series, but the problem is that the splineArea uses interpolation to build itself, so I still cannot figure out an algorhitm to find the correct point at which the second series should start.
Thank anyway