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Validation in ComboEditor

Hello everybody, 
I am using 16.2 version.

I need a comboeditor with AutoComplete. The only way I could achieve it was by setting 
<ig:XamComboEditor ..../> where ig -> xmlns:ig="" 

My first question is: when dragging/dropping xamComboEditor from Toolbox, another control is added to my xaml:

<igWPF:XamComboEditor ..../> where igWPF -> xmlns:igWPF="" 

So, which is better to use?

The igWPF version seems not to have Autocomplete settings

The ig version is hard to validate. it uses its own template which I cannot edit. It has a e with a tiny red triangle on top-right border, which I don't want and I cannot find a way to remove. From the below image, you can see the tooltip (which I want) and the "Required" label which I want to remove. is there a way to do it?

This does not happen with igWPF version, which though does not have autocomplete settings.

I wish a combination of the two.

Please help me!

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    Hello Valentina,

    In order to use the auto complete feature, you have to use the xamComboEditor (<ig:XamComboEditor ..../> where ig -> xmlns:ig="").

    This combo editor has some additional features and is useful when you need a standalone combo editor. The other combo editor is WPF specific and is mostly used as an editor in other controls as xamDataGrid for example.

    In order to customize the validation style, you have to re-template some elements of the xamComboEditor style.

    In the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2016.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\XamComboEditor you will find the generic style of the control. Add the generic.xaml file to your project as a ResourceDictionary and modify the ValidationErrorElement border style. You can change the red border brush and remove the red triangle.

    You can also modify the ValidationToolTipTemplate which styles the red tooltip.

    I’ve attached a sample application for your reference.
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