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Scroll a list box while dragging


One of the ways we are using the Infragistics drag/drop framework is to re-order items in a list box. This works well except for the one big problem that when dragging we can't scroll the listbox up or down based on mouse position because the drag drop manager is handling all mouse events.  This means for the end user that they can only use drag and drop to re-arrange items if the source and target are both initially visible on the screen in the list.  I thought about potentially subscribing to the drag over event of the drag sources and add logic there to scroll up or down, however that would be clunky and in fact wouldn't work in our example because not every item in the list box is a valid drop target (and the drag over event only gets fired when over a valid drop target).

Is there any way to achieve the behavior I want using this drag drop component or is it a known limitation?

