I have a XamRibbon with several MenuTool inside.
Below is my sample codes:
<igRibbon:MenuTool igRibbon:RibbonGroup.MaximumSize="ImageOnly"ButtonType="Segmented" KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigation="Cycle"Click="MenuTool_Click"><igRibbon:MenuTool.SmallImage><BitmapImage UriSource="/WpfApplication2;component/Resources/rebalance_session_16.png" /></igRibbon:MenuTool.SmallImage><igRibbon:ToolMenuItem Header="h1"/><igRibbon:ToolMenuItem Header="Hello1" /></igRibbon:MenuTool>
but when i try to use up/down key to navigation among the tool menu item, the focus and highlight are messed up.
Any ideas about this please?
Hello Power,
I have investigated your issue, and I have asked our engineering staff to examine arrow key navigation issues on ToolMenuItem further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of #228962.
So I’ve created a case for you CAS-178970-P8G6F1 and will update you for the progress of this issue via the mentioned case. You could reach your case following the link below:
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Thank you,Mihoko Kamiishi
Thanks, is there any work-around? My team may not likely to upgrade Infragistics!
BTW, I tried ButtonTool, but few other things have to be figured out. e.g. button tool does not have InputGestureText, but ToolMenuItem does.
Hello Nathan,
There is already a thread which is discussing the same question.
We will continue to follow up with you there.
Thank you,
Mihoko Kamiishi