In order to get the best performance optimizations out of the XamDataGrid, I'm told I should use the default RecordContainerGenerationMode (Recycle).
However, one reason I had been using another generation mode (PreLoad) is because it gave me well-defined and predictable behavior where SaveCustomizations() and LoadCustomizations() is concerned.
Those methods always behave well with a PreLoad XamDataGrid, as long as the grid has been loaded, and layouts have been initialized, and the dispatcher queue is relatively empty. However, now that I'm trying to use "Recycle" again (thereby fixing many general-purpose layout performance issues) I'm struggling with the customization problems once again (the ones that had sent be over to "PreLoad").
Attached is an example. Note that I do customizations as a very LAST step after:
I did this as the very LAST step, to try to give customizations the best possible chance to work properly but they still don't. Note that the customizations are applied correctly to the FieldLayout in view (TopMovie), but another FieldLayout that is *not* in view yet is totally misconfigured (OtherMovie). Both of them should have the same customizations applied.
In order for both FieldLayouts to be customized properly, change the RecordContainerGenerationMode to "PreLoad". You will see that there are three fields being customized ("MovableFields"). One "MoveableField" is hidden and the other two have their column positions exchanged.
Please let me know if there are questions about how the attached example is intended to behave.
We have shipped out a new service release where your issue is resolved. To download the latest service release follow these steps:
1. View My Keys and Downloads: Log in to the Infragistics web site if you are not already logged in.3. Select the product you would like to download a service release for.4. Select the “Service Releases” tab.5. Select the download (e.g. Infragistics Xamarin.Forms 2015 - Service Release)
Sincerely, Zhivko Entry Level Software Developer
Thank you for your reply. The issue has been since fixed internally and is now currently awaiting test. We will provide more details as they become available.
Thanks for getting them involved. I don't know if you read it in an earlier post but I had also opened a support case, simply so I can tell the stakeholders that I had opened a support case (CAS-177679-F0K1C7) .
I'm eager to get a good work-around as soon as possible. My original guess was that this would take three weeks or so. Please let me know if you think things will move slower than that.
Thanks, David
Hello David,
To ensure that your issue will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 226687. The next step will be for a developer to review my investigation and confirm my findings or to offer a fix, or other resolution.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Sincerely, ZhivkoEntry Level Software Developer
I have reviewed your post and asked a few other developers to look into this scenario. We are working on your issue in order to provide you the best solution.
I will follow up with our findings as soon as we are ready with our investigation.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.