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LabelPresenter not found on XamDataGrid Load Event

Hello Infragistics team,

I am facing issue while getting childrens of type LabelPresenter in XamDataGrid. If I bound my grid to SampleData(using BindToSampleData="True" attribute) then i can get the LabelPresenter type childrens, but in case of binding it to explicit datasource the LabelPresenter childrens are not found in XamDataGrid.

In my sample project I have created a behavior (XamDataGridBehavior) which attach the SizeChanged event to every LabelPresetner. I want to call sizechanged event on every time the size of column changes. Kindly could you tell me what the problem is when I bind grid with explicit datasource?



  • 16495
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    Thank you for the attached project.

    I have investigated your issue and it seems that the LabelPresenters are not created in the VisualTree yet and this is why they are not fond.  I believe that you can avoid this, if you put the logic where access the LabelPresenters in a BeginInvoke method of Dispatcher in order to delay the executing of the code like this:

    void AssociatedObject_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
    { //In case of BindToSampleData labelpresenters are fetched. In for datasource there is no labelpresenters found.
         Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
            var  lablePresenters = (IEnumerable<LabelPresenter>)(AssociatedObject as XamDataGrid).FindChildren<LabelPresenter>(true);
            foreach (LabelPresenter ele in lablePresenters)
                ele.SizeChanged += labelPresenter_SizeChanged;

        }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

    Please let me know if you require any further assistance regarding this matter.

    Entry Level Software Developer