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LoadCustomizations and other parts of the initialization sequence

I've got a problem where the "LoadCustomization()" method of the xamDataGrid does something totally different if I begininvoke it on the dispatcher with a *high* priority than it does with a *lower* priority.  All other factors are the same, including the customization xml itself.

The field layouts are already initialized in both cases.

The difference in behavior between the two may be on account of whether another operation (also seemingly executed via the dispatcher) has taken place or not: Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridUtilities.ProcessAsyncInvalidations()

The more preferable behavior from LoadCustomizations() occurs in the scenario where it is executed on the dispatcher after GridUtilities.ProcessAsyncInvalidations()

Can someone tell me how to properly sequence and execute LoadCustomizations()?  Is there state-ful information on the XamDataGrid that will tell me if any "async invalidations" are pending? (So I won't run LoadCustomizations just yet)?

This is taking up plenty of development time.  If I overlooked some docs, please point me to them.  Thanks for the help,
