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How we can display specific date rang Calendar using XAMCalendar?


We are using XAMCalendar and we want to display specific date range calendar. For example Initially Calendar displaying all Months Calendar of year. But If I select a start date in April and End date in July from date picker then XAM Calendar should display only April,May, June, July months calendar instead of all months.

Please let us aware how we can display XAMCalendar only for selected months.

  • 17475
    Offline posted

    Hello Kanwar, 

    I have created a simple sample to test this behavior and setting the MinDate and MaxDate for the calendar restricts the displayed months. Could you please have a look at the sample (basically setting <ig:XamCalendar HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" MinDate="4/18/2016" MaxDate="7/17/2016"/>) and let me know if the behavior is different on your side? Would you please share which version of the controls you are using? The sample was tested against 16.1.20161.1000.