What are the advantages/disadvantages of using CategoryDateTimeXAxis and CategoryXAxis to represent the time?
I have a requirement of showing up to 10 series and each series contains 20000 data points and each series data will be updated every seconds.
What will be better choice to show the date time value in in X axis, CategoryDateTimeXAxis or CategoryXAxis? Please advise.
I know of no pitfalls when using a CategoryDateTime axis but in most of our examples we do demonstrate using the CategoryXAxis.
We have a sample in our WPF Sample Browser that demonstrates real-time data feeds like this. This will be the recommended way for doing this. The sample contains one data source that constantly adds and removes data points from it. The sample is called Binding Real-Time Data.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Currently we are using CategoryAxis in our realtime chart.
our real-time data source is not a constant data update, mostly the data will be updated every second.
Our requirement is Time (X)axis max value will be incremented by second and the data should be updated whenever it received. Regardless of data update xaxis should be scrolled every second. To meet this I can have a timer and update the Min and Max value of xAxis. I can't achieve that with CatgegoryAxis because CategoryAxis doesn't have an option to update Min and Max value, the available option is move to CategoryDateTimeAxis.
Will there any impact updating Min and Max value of CategoryDateTime axis on every second?
But I have read in many forum posts that CategoryDateTimeAxis is not performing well. So looking for an alternative way to meet my requirement with CategoryXAxis.
Or any other better solution?
The major difference between the two axis types is due to performance, where CategoryXAxis is considered to be more efficient.
In this axis, data is categorized by country (X-axis values) and is mapped using the Label property of the axis.
In the CategoryDateTimeXAxis, the date values are mapped into labels that represent the corresponding date.
This was previously discussed here:
An updated version of our docs can be found here (under axis types):http://help.infragistics.com/doc/WPF/2015.2/CLR4.0/?page=DataChart_Chart_Performance.html
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.