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Feature consolidation between WPF and Silverlight controls


I found the apost where Stoimen Gerenski writes in middle 2011 writes:

"Since our 2010.2 Volume Release, we are building our controls based on unified XAML strategy and our goal is to provide completely the same experience for both platforms - SL / WPF"

Can you tell me where I can see the current progress over all controls?
For example, the end user customization capabilities from SL Ribbon are missing in WPF Ribbon.
Another sample is the extended filtering of XamComboBox which is only available in the SL edition.

Thank you! 

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  • 17475
    Offline posted

    Hello and thank you for your post! 

    The cross-platform controls were unified for both platforms. There is no list that is kept for all the controls that could be used in both SL and WPF and I could add a few to the list that Stoimen has shared here as XamGrid, XamComboEditor, XamMultiColumnComboEditor, Imputs. Please note that there still could have differences between the controls due to platform limitations and specifics. If you have questions on specific controls, do not hesitate to ask.

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