I am using a xamDataChart and a ScatterSeries. This just a small snapshot.
As you can see I have bound the series to PodsGraph1TopBeats. These will be positive values, so obviously they will be plotted in the positive quadrant. However, I want them to be plotted in the negative quadrant. But I dont want to change the value of the original series ie, i only want them displayed as negative but if I click on any point and the object is returned, I want the original positive value. I think this can be done with a converter. But I feel like if I had a DisplayMemberPath and ValueMemberPath for the Y value, I could do it. Is there a way to do this.
Hi Andrew.
There was no attachment. The 2nd reply to my original question as you can see is the xaml that I tried to attach. It didnt show in the original question and I couldnt edit the original post so I reposted just the xaml.
Going back to your reply...thanks!! I think thats a good idea. I think I can add another property that returns the negative value of existing property. I will try that.
Hello sudnya_s,
Thank you for your post.
Unfortunately, I was not able to see the attachment that you were looking to attach, but I believe I understand this issue. Currently the XamDataChart doesn't really have any type of DisplayMemberPath versus a ValueMemberPath for its series. My best recommendation to you on this matter would be to add a negative-value property to your data items and set that to the value of your positive-value property * -1. Then, you can set the X and/or Y MemberPath properties of your scatter series to this value.
This will still allow you to get the positive values. I imagine that when you say "if I click on any point and the object is returned", that you are currently using one of the XamDataChart's SeriesMouseButtonDown events. These events have an Item property on the event arguments that returns the full item that each point in a series represents. By utilizing this event (if you aren't already), you can get your data item, and extract the positive property value from it.
I have attached a sample project to demonstrate the above. I hope this helps you.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Sincerely,AndrewAssociate DeveloperInfragistics Inc.www.infragistics.com/support
<ig:ScatterSeries ItemsSource="{Binding PodsGraph1TopBeats}" MarkerType="Pyramid" MarkerBrush="{Binding PodsGraph1TopColor}" MarkerOutline="Transparent" XMemberPath="Time" YMemberPath="Value" XAxis="{Binding ElementName=PodsGraph1XAxis}" YAxis="{Binding ElementName=PodsGraph1YAxis}" >