when using a custom editor with the xamPropertyGrid (version 2015.2), the behavior of the PropertyItemValueChanging event looks to be wrong. The default sequence of events are:- PropertyItemValueChanging raised- Property updated- PropertyItemValueChanged raised
When using a custom editor, I get this sequence of events:- Property updated- PropertyItemValueChanging raised- PropertyItemValueChanged raised
i.e. the property is updated prior to the 'changing' event being raised. This is an error according to both the documentation and my understanding of the desired/obvious behavior.
Sample code:
<ig:XamPropertyGrid x:Name="propertyGrid" SelectedObjects="{Binding SelectionManager.Selection, Converter={StaticResource SelectionConverter}}" OptionsMenuVisibility="Collapsed" DescriptionAreaVisibility="Collapsed" FilterAreaVisibility="Collapsed"> <ig:XamPropertyGrid.EditorDefinitions> <ig:PropertyGridEditorDefinition TargetType="system:String"> <ig:PropertyGridEditorDefinition.EditTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBox Background="LightBlue" Text="{Binding Value, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" /> </DataTemplate> </ig:PropertyGridEditorDefinition.EditTemplate> </ig:PropertyGridEditorDefinition> </ig:XamPropertyGrid.EditorDefinitions></ig:XamPropertyGrid>
Hello Leif,
Thanks for your post.
I created the following case for you: 'CAS-165548-R8Z4J6" and will update you through it. You could see it in your account in the 'Support Activity' page.
Software Developer