See attached .zip for running example.
When the combo editor is updated the code behind updates the ViewModel collection and then raises NotifyPropertyChanged. Initially nothing on the grid is updated. If you Collapse and then Expand the [+] on the top level data items then the UI will update. Clearly this is a recycling/deferred rendering issue, but I have failed to find clear documentation discussing what mode or setting will allow the grid to update in real time with the underlying DataBinding.
Any input/feedback or direction would appreciated.
Hello Jesse,
Thank you for your post!
I have been looking into it and into the sample application you have provided.
If you would like when an item is selected in the XamComboEditor, the selected item to be populated in the cells of the second FieldLayout of the XamDataGrid – I would suggest to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface for the two classes ConvGroupedDocs and ConvDoc as well.
I have modified the provided sample application with the above mentioned functionality.
Please find the modified sample application attached and feel free to let me know if you have any further questions on this matter.