I have a XAMDataGrid with virtualization enable and it is binded to a datasource.
I have datatriggers in place to change the background of a particular cell if condition meets.
The trigger is working fine while I scroll to the bottom of the grid, but when I scroll back to the top the cells which earlier were colored properly loose their color and the color moves to different cells
PFA the image which shows the changes before and after scrolling.
Also this case happens when I scroll till the end, if I scroll half way through and go back to top the colors remain intact.
Forgot the attachment
Hello Neelesh,
The styling issues are usually related to the virtualization of the XamDataGrid’s elements as the containers are reused with only DataContext changing. Could you please try to wrap the grid within a control with infinite height e.g. ScrollViewer to disable the virtualization and check if the issue is still reproducible? Can you share a code snippet that illustrates how you use the triggers to style the cells? Thank you in advance.
Setting RecordContainerGenerationMode="Virtualize" solved the issue
Thank you for the update Neelesh. I am glad that you have resolved it. Let me know if you have any other questions on the virtualization process.
Hi Maria,
If you could help me with this post
Here also the issue is with data virtualization