For some reason there seems to be an inconsistency in the way the ultratexteditor displays text in normal and edit mode. I'm getting data from a database which is glued together by a stringbuilder instance. The newlines from the stringbuilder are displayed properly in both display as edit mode. The line-breaks from the database on the other hand, are displayed properly in display mode, but displayed as the 'I don't know this character' box character. Why is this, and how can I make sure the displayed text is exactly the same in both modes?
If it works at first, then you save the result to XML and reload it, then clearly saving and loading the data to XML is somehow altering the data.
I encounter the exact same problem. It's not a matter of CR+LF or just LF. It works fine with a ms textbox.
If I enter several lines in an UltraTextEditor, it is displayed correctly. I save the result to xml. Reload the data and the UltraTextEditor does not display the information correctly when in Edit mode (CRLF not recognized).
Could it be linked to the CurrentCulture ? I am using fr-FR - or could it be an encoding pb ?
When the UltraTextEditor goes into edit mode, it displays a DotNet TextBox control to allow editing. So it's the MS TextBox that is not handling the characters correctly.
Perhaps the data in your database using a single character line feed or carraige return, but not both.