Hi, I'm looking for a way to change the appearance of an UIelement.
I succesfully changed the TEXT with UICreationFilter AfterCreateChildElements but how to change the appearance to make it bold ?
public void AfterCreateChildElements(Infragistics.Win.UIElement parent) {
if (parent is ColumnHeaderUIElement) { var child = parent.GetDescendant(typeof(TextUIElement)) as TextUIElement; if (child != null) { if (child.Text.Contains(" - ")) { DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(child.Text.Substring(0, child.Text.IndexOf('-'))); int weekNum = UtilsMain.getWeekNum(date.AddDays(3)); child.Text = weekNum.ToString() + " / " + date.Year; // text changed to meet my requirements
// NEED TO CHANGE THE FONT TO MAKE IT APPEARS IN BOLD bug no child.Appearance here }
Found the solution : Had to use DrawFilter (and not creation filter)
Then I filter on the right UI Element and make the appropriate modifications