I Have question with WinGrid
I bind my data with List(of t).
When my band 0 they don't have data (but the property is initialized) i see my header and no data, this is ok.
When I have data on my band 0 and on my band 1 and I clic on the "more" option, on the left and I see my data for my band 1 and the sign "more" change to the sign "less" this is ok.
When I have data on my band 0 and no data on my band 1 and I clic on the "more" option on the left the sign "more" disappears and I don't see my header ?
I want to see the header with no data when my Under band is empty.
Look on my image, on my row 2 i see header and data, but on my row 3 the sign "more" was disappears when I clic on it and no header. (but I know is not have data, but I want to see the header)
On my second image you see when my band 0 there are no data, you see the header.
Ok thank you for your time.
Hello Francois,
The ability to have column headers for child bands with no rows is considered to be a new product idea. You can suggest one on our website at ideas.infragisitcs.com
Let me know if you have any additional questions. Have a nice day.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your reply.
But that's not what I really want.
I want "ShowExpansionIndicator.Always" and when the user clic on it and there are no data, I want to show Header with no data.
Grid headers are shown only when there are rows to display. The ExpansionIndicator property, by default, will display the expansion indicator until an attempt to expand the row is made and at that point if the row is found to not have child rows, then the expansion indicator for the row will not be displayed. Please change this property to CheckOnDisplay, which should check upon when the row is first drawn to see if they're are child rows. This will prevent the user from clicking on indicator's with no child rows.
' Set the ExpansionIndicator on the layout's override. Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.ExpansionIndicator = ShowExpansionIndicator.CheckOnDisplay
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.