How to remove the gray area around my display in the Grid, I have used fill but did not work.
Hello Bouzid,
It appears that your UltraGrid is sitting within an inbox SplitContainer control. Is this correct? I tried this and found no way of resizing either panels. I recommend seeking help on this at
Your probably better off using a combination of the UltraPanel and UltraSplitter controls to properly size the panels appropriately.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
I want when I maximize the window form I want it to resize to the correct size where the left half of the grid sets to a certain size where the gray area is filled and the right side of the grid sets to a size that can take some of the grey.
Thanks. I attached a sample. Please modify it accordingly so it reproduces this behavior and re-upload it when your finished. Perhaps a style library that's been imported to your application is making it appear this way. But it's hard to make that distinction.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Attached is a pic of the the gray area I want to remove it.
Thank you for reaching out today. Would it be possible for you to send us a mockup and/or screenshot of your requirements? The Windows Forms UltraWinGrid, by default, does not have any gray area around it's bound other than possibly the form it's sitting on. Can you please clarify this?
Thanks, and let me know if you have any additional questions.