In terms of feature list we are looking at evaluating Syncfusion XLSIo vs Infragistics Excel Library. Does Infragistic have any comparison between XLSIo and the Excel Library framework for a quick feature comparison?
Thank you Michael. I will check and get back.
Hello Dan,
We don't have a feature comparison, but our online documentation lists detailed procedures to guide you through common scenarios when using the Infragistics Excel Engine.
May I ask if you can please clarify your application requirements inform us of your platform and environment details? Eg. Windows Forms,
You can export data bound to our Grid control as a workbook object and saved as an excel formatted file.
While researching about SyncFusion XlsIO I found this blog, but keep in mind that it was written in 2008. Since then we have added improvments and new features.
List of features added in 2011:
Let me know if you have any additional questions.