We recently upgraded from 13.2 to 14.2.2034 and noticed a change in the behavior of the UltraCombo control. We have an UltraCombo control with the AutoCompleteMode set to SuggestAppend. In 13.2, if I typed a full or partial value that matched an item in the list and then tabbed off the control the RowSelected event fired, as we expect. In 14.2, if I type a partial value and tab off the event also fires, but if I type a full value and tab off, it doesn't fire. It does fire if the AutoCompleteMode is set to Suggest, but that is a loss of functionality.
I just did some more testing, and actually in 13.2 the event fires as soon as I type the complete value.
This behavior has been addressed in service release versions WinForms_14.2.20142.2092, WinForms_14.1.20141.2165. To download the service release, please visit My Keys & Downloads select the 'Dev Tools' tab and then select the volume you are using. Finally, select the 'Service Releases' tab and the available service releases will be listed below.
Let us know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Thank you for reporting this behavior. I have narrowed down that sometime before the lastest service release, another issue was addressed that may have may caused this issue with the AutoCompleteMode SuggestAppend.
Therefore issue was not reproduced in the initial volume release for 2014 Volume 1:
14.1.20141.2097 14.2.20142.2034
Not reproduced 14.1.20141.1000
I have opened a private case for you so that I can link it to an internal development issue. This way you will be notified automatically when the development issue is updated. The case number is CAS-148887-C6G8F6. You will see it located here: https://es.infragistics.com/my-account/support-activity
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.