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UltraExplorerBar - move (drag-drop) multiple items to a new position


is there a way to move more than only one UltraExplorerBarItems to a new position within their group or across groups?

Is there a way to add a UltraExplorerBarGroup or -Item 'after' or 'before' an other -Group or -Item?

Is there a way to programmatically adjust the order of UltraExplorerBarGroups or -Items in a -Bar?

Bestregards and thanks in advance

  • 12480
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted


    Multiple items cannot be moved simultaneously in an UltraExplorerBar because this control does not support selection.

    Adding, removing, and reordering the items in the grids can be done by directly modifying each group's Items collection. For example:

    To add an item after another item:

    group.Items.Insert(oldItem.Index + 1, newItem);

    To adjust the order of Items:

    otherGroup.Items.Insert(2, item);

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.