Is there a click event for a grouping?
For example:
I am grouping by State then by County.
When I load the WinGrid I see:
State: WY (1 item)
State: PA (7 items)
I want to be able to capture the click event when the user clicks on "State: PA (7 items)" and fire off another form.
Is this possible to do?
Hi Nick,
Once you get the UIElement for the summary, it should just be a matter of calling GetContext on it. I'm not sure which type you need to use, but I would try a context of SummaryValue or SummarySettings. One or the other (or both) should work.
lol. The MouseDoublClick works....
Thanks that seems to work for a single click event. Can this be done instead with a double click?
Hi Mike,
Thought I might jump in on this and ask another similar question. Say this groupbyrow has inline summaries. If I click inside one of the summaries is there anything that might indicate which summary it is? I would like to consider adding the ability for my users to sort by a grouped summary.
Worked on this once over a year ago and didn't get it done and now everything is cold.
If you want to handle when the user arrows to the row, also, then you could use AfterRowActivate.
If you are only concerned with clicking, then you will need to use the MouseUp event of the grid and determine what was clicked using UIElements. Here's a KB article that describes this technique:
HOWTO:UltraWinGrid Mouse Position and Row Identification