Want to do something similar to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqbNeaoCTlU&feature=youtu.be
For instance, I can schedule tasks on a given date range and each task requires resources (aka requires 0.5 resource A and 1 resource B). Therefore if I overlap too many tasks on a given day, I may run out of resource A but have enough resource B.
Each task requires a different amount of each resource, so I want to see how many resources are consumed compared to my resource availability on a day / day basis. Also, if on a given day, I need extra resources, I want to know that so I can get more resources on hand to handle the overload.
Basically I want a day by day summation of the individual resource requirements based on the schedule.
For instance, I would like to highlight whenever the quantity of a given resource exceed the availability of the resource in the bottom grid. Therefore I want the bottom grid which summaries the resource allocation to align with the gant calendar.
I did not see any samples of this although I assume it should be handled and easy.
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