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Issue with ultraCombo checkedchange


I am using an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo control for multiselect.

Please find the attached snapshot.

when i check "<ALL>" and "<Movies>" then both 'ALL' and 'Movies' are displayed in the text area of ultracombo.

but when i check 'ALL' and any other row only 'ALL should be displayed.

Please suggest me how to accomplish this?

  • 2165

    Hello Chitra,

    When UltraCompo is in Multi-select mode, its default behavior is to put string representation (DisplayMember column) of the checked  rows into the input portion of the editor. This is the designed behavior of the component, which shouldn’t be modified. Instead I could suggest you to use implement your custom dropdown editor with the aid of UltraTextEditor and its ButtonsRight collection. You could add UltraGrid for a dropdown and to implement your own custom logic of what will  be displayed into the edit portion of the UltaTextEditor based on the checked rows of the grid. I’ve implemented very base sample in order to demonstrates you this approach.

    I hope that this will helps you.
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