Hi i have a main form with a WinexplorerBar for mi menu options, sales, clients etc.
IN this form i have an ultraTabbedMdiManager control too. In this form i change the IsMdiContainer property to True.
When i click in any item of the winexplorer bar i show the other forms with this code
private void MenuBar_ItemClick(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar.ItemEventArgs e) { switch (e.Item.Tag.ToString()) { case "Items": ItemsForm fi = new ItemsForm(); fi.MdiParent = this; fi.Show(); break; case "Client": ClientForm fcn = new ClientForm(); fcn.MdiParent = this; fcn.Show(); break; } }
This work, but i have a problem, in my itemForm, i have a ultratoolbar with a ribbon. But this control do not show. I can view The other controls but the ribbon no.
What is the problem??
Thank you for your response.
You can check the contents of the MdiChildren property of the parent form to see if an instance of the form already exists. This works whether or not you're using the UltraTabbedMDIManager.
Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.
Hello, tanks this work fine.
But i have an other question.
how I can know that a form is already open in a tab, becouse i need that qhe only a form is open at the same time?.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
Since you have set your parent form to be an MDI parent, the UltraToolbarsManager on the child form is trying to merge its tools with the parent form's UltraToolbarsManager. Since there is no UltraToolbarsManager on the parent form, no tools are displayed. You should set UltraToolbarsManager.MdiMergeable to false on the child form's UltraToolbarsManager.