Is there any way to get a node in an UltraTree to show the plus symbol, while at the same time showing child items?
This may seem like a strange request, but for performance reasons I'm trying to accomplish something similar to what Windows Explorer does in some cases. If you enter a path in the address bar, the tree may have to expand one or more nodes to select the entered folders. In some cases (on slow drives and if there are a lot of sub folders), only the entered folder(s) appear in the tree, and the parent folder continues to show the plus symbol. Clicking it adds the remaining sub folders.
This is a feature supported by the Windows tree control. Although not exposed in .NET's TreeView, it can be used like this:
SendMessage(treeView.Handle, TVM_EXPAND, TVE_EXPAND | TVE_EXPANDPARTIAL, node.Handle);
However, using this approach on an UltraTree does not seem to have any effect (in fact, it seems that the handle property on an UltraTreeNode is just an auto incrementing number assigned to a node when the Handle property is first accessed).
So, are there any other ways to accomplish this using an UltraTree?
UltraWinTree does not support this. You might be able to acheive what you want using a DrawFilter, but you would have to keep track of which expanded nodes you wanted to display a plus (and not a minus) sign and then draw the expansion indicator yourself.
You should probably Submit a feature request to Infragistics