Hi Hisrto,
Thanks for you reply and smaple code, will let you know if i require any further help.
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need any further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components
This is a lot of customization which was made with CreationFilter interface, and to archive your goal it involves a lot of customization of the existing code.
First caked state of the checkboxes is recorder in OwnerState dictionary, so if you want to initialize values for each Owner you should populate this Dictionary before creating CheckBoxUIElelemnt. So you could make this dictionary public in order to be able to populate it with data in Load event of your Form.
Also since your new custom scenario involves to pass a lot of information by each owner to the CreationFilter class, you could adjust OwnerState class, so it could keep all information about your Owner which must be passed to the CreationFilter (tooltip, icon, draft boolean value and etc.).
About the tooltip, you could Implement ITooltipItem interface, which could be assigned to a specific UIElement and it will responsible for the tooltip.
I’ve implemented this suggestions in the attached sample, and I hope that this will helps you.