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UltraMonthViewMulti's MonthPopup appear and disappear can i prevent disappear the Popup


 I Have a UltraMonthViewMulti in my windows application. I want to click the month header means monthpopup will show. but immediately  it disappear. so i want to avoid disappear.

Anybody help suggestions please,


  • 48586



    I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this  issue?


    Thank you for using Infragistics Components

  • 48586



    UltraMonthViewMulty was designed on this way. When the user "mouse down" the left mouse button, list of monts appears, so he could select desired  month (without releasing the mouse), so after the user releases the left mouse button, the highlighted month is selected.


    Please let  me know if you have any further questions.