We are in the process of testing our app with 14.1 and just stumbled across an issue with the excel control. When setting the workbook comments property if there are any leading spaces in the comments an error is displayed when attempting to open the workbook. The error states that a problem was found in the content and asks if you want to attempt to recover. If you says yes the workbooks is opened okay. If you trim the leading spaces all is good.
This problem does not exist in the prior version.
oWorkbook:DocumentProperties:Comments = TRIM (ipcComments) /* version 14.1 of ig excel control has an issue creating the workbook if there are leading spaces so we need to trim */.
okay, thank you.
Hi Roger,
Thank you for the clarification.
As I was able to reproduce the issue now, I have created support ticket for this issue – CAS-139596-Z8R6G4 and I have logged a development issue with ID 174420. As soon as I have more information for you I will update you through the case. You can view this case at https://es.infragistics.com/my-account/support-activity.
It actually does the same things for the Author and Title properties as well.
In looking at your sample you appear to be setting comments on a worksheet cell. The issue I am seeing is on the Workbook.DocumentProperties.Comment.
I am using the same service release as you.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.
I have tried to reproduce your issue using the latest service release of 14.1 (v14.1.20141.2035) and no error appeared when trying to open excel even when using comments with leading spaces. Have you set any other properties to the excel comments? I have attached my sample, it would be really helpful if you are able to modify it so it reproduces your issue. I will be glad to continue researching this issue once I have the modified sample.
I am looking forward to your reply.