Hi Mike,
When I load my datasource on my grid every name was setting good excepted the bands(0)
Bands(0).key = "List`1"
Bands(1).key = "SoumissionDetail"
My First Class is calling "Soumission" and second classe calling "SoumissionDetail"
Why is writing "List'1" on my first band ? and not "Soumission"
Hi Francois,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.
If you have set the Band data source to be a list it will have its Key as “List’1”. If you want to display something else as the band caption you will have to use code like:
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Header.Caption = "Soumission";
For the other bands the name will be determined by the name of the respective public property in the “parent” class.
Let me know if you have any additional question.