theGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries.Add(SummaryType.Sum, theColumn).
The summaries at the bottom of the columns show up correctly. The problem I am having is that whenever I check or uncheck a checkbox in a column, the summary total does not update until I leave the cell. Is there a way to programmatically have the Wingrid run its column summary? I can capture the fact that the check box in the cell has changed its value, but can't seem to find how to recalculate the column.
I am handling the CellChange event. If I look at e.Cell.Text, it is set to "True" when I check the check box and "False" when I uncheck it.
I am calling theGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries(e.Cell.Column.Index).Refresh(), but the summary does not update. Does the value of the checkbox take affect before the CellChange event is fired?
You could force a specific summary to refresh itself through:
I would make sure that the cell's value is actually getting updated when calling this, though, otherwise you might not see any change.