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Wingrid column firing wingrid error event and not columnChanging event

I have a wingrid bound to a dataset (columns are KEY, VERSION, CODE, DESC). I have an event which is DATASET-NAME.TABLE-NAME.ColumnChanging. Each column cannot be empty and will fire this event except VERSION. It fires the Error event of the wingrid. If I remove the ColumnChanging event and try to trap for cellchanging events, all columns will fire the events when left empty except VERSION. It will fire the wingrids Error event.

Why is this column not behaving like the others? It is a NUMBER field.

 Steps to Reproduce:

I load the grid, change the CODE to be empty, it fires the columnchanging event and the IDataError for the grid will put an icon in the cell. If I change the VERSION column to be empty, it does not fire the columnchanging event but fires the wingrid_error event instead.