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How to automatically keep the last row visible?

I am using the UltraWinGrid as a real-time log viewer. I want the grid to automatically display each new row as it is added to the bottom. Preferably, I would like this to be a design-time setting on the grid. If that's not available, I don't mind hooking the RowInserted event and doing some processing. Just not sure what processing to do.

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Simon,

        If you add a new row to the grid, then the grid automatically scrolls to keep that row in view. The same holds true for the ActiveRow. So if this is not working for you, then my guess is that you must be adding the rows directly to the data source and your data source must not be making the newly-added row the Current row. 

        Since it's not clear from your post exactly what you are adding the rows to and what you data source is, it's hard to give you a good answer. But setting the ActiveRow in the grid should do it. Or you can use methods on the grid.ActiveRowScrollRegion to scroll any row you want into view.