I am new to the chart control and I have some questions.
I have created a simple data table to act as data source. It contains 3 columns, Label, Sales and Budget. The Label column is used as Labels on the x-axis.
1. How do I change the name of the Columns? What I mean is the name showed in the legend. Sales, Budget are english names and I would like to localize.
These names also showed up on the x-axis but I found a way to hide those labels.
2. Can I increase the gap between the vertical x-axis labels and the chart itself? I think that the labels are a bit close.
3. Is 0 the standard min value of the y-axis or do I have to change this to be sure in the future.?
4. How can I change the format of the values showing up when I run a the mouse over a column. The Y-axis was created using this code:
gantSalesBudget.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString =
"<DATA_VALUE:### ### ##0> sek"
Hello Michael!
Any news about the other questions that I had?
It is possible to do that of course, but my first idea was to keep column names in english, and without spaces and special characters. You never know what happens when people start translating ;-)
I was hoping for a way to change the name in the winchart somewhere, but if it isn't, I go for that.
For the first question I think you will have to change the names of the columns in the data table. Something like this:
datatable.Columns["Sales"].ColumnName = "försäljnings";
datatable.Columns["Budget"].ColumnName = "budgetförslag";
Is it possible for you to do that or does that completely confuse your application?
I will look into the other questions.