Hi,Does the UltraCellProxy that is contained inside a RowEditTemplate have a vertical scrollbar? I cant see that it does inside both properties (EditTemplate & CellProxy). At the moment the user has to drag down the mouse to reveal the text that doesn't fit when the RowEditTemplate first appears.CheersChris
Hi Chris,
The Proxy takes it's cue from the grid column. the column doesn't show a scrollbar by default, either. But you can turn this on by setting VertScrollBar on the column to true. This will effect the cell and/or the proxy alike.
in below given code snippet i am checking where column StatusImage exist or not then i am trying to sort StatusImage.
problem with this code is when there are number of sorted column after statusImage. below code removes status image from let say 3 position and add status image at the end of the sortedcolumn group. therefore column sorting position changes.
please suggest me the code which does following:
1. sorting with status image column.
2. index position for sorted column should not change..
if (ultraGridReaders.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].SortedColumns.Exists("StatusImage")) {ultraGridReaders.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].SortedColumns.Add("StatusImage", false, true);