If I have a Server/Client application which uses WinSchedule & UltraDayView and it is operated in two different timezones..... how can I ignore the timezones???
Eg: Server Timezone = UTC +5 hours Client #1 Timezone = UTC +5 hours Client #2 Timezone = UTC +6 hours
When Client #1 makes an appointment at 8AM....it appears on Client#2 to be at 9AM. Obviously the appointments start/end time is relative to each Client computer..... but how can I stop this happening....
If they make an appointment at 8 at one location then I want it to appear at 8 at all locations REGARDLESS of timezone settings on thier computer?
Unfortunately.... unlike the "UltraWebInfo" there does not seem to be a TimezoneOffset setting.
Any ideas?
See UltraCalendarInfo.DataBindingsForAppointments.DateMembersSerializationMode