My ultratree is binded to a datasource.
My datasource is a collection which has two other collections in it.
its diplaying the tree as below
(empty space)
Links Collection
Group Collection
those empty spaces are band nodes and they will be present if we have two list in the binding source...
Now my question is can we add some text to those empty spaces( can we name the band nodes) ????
thanks in advance
hi mike
Thank you very much for the reply...
Not sure why yuo are havinbg trouble finding the Text property, it's the same property that every node has. In the InitializeDataNode event, you could do something like this:
if (e.Node.IsBandNode) { switch (e.Node.BandName) { case "Invoices": e.Node.Text = "This is the Invoices Band Node"; break; case "InvoiceDetails": e.Node.Text = "This is the InvoiceDetails Band Node"; break; case "Customers": e.Node.Text = "This is the Customers Band Node"; break; case "Products": e.Node.Text = "This is the Products Band Node"; break; } }
Hi Mike
Thanks for the reply.
But i could not find the text property of the Band node anywhere. Can u tell me where to find it and also how to use the InitializeDataNode event...i mean what to do in that event????
Hi Navi,
Have you tried simply setting the Text property on the Band node? You could use the InitializeDataNode event.