I have a legend on a composite chart but the legend overlaps the the chart area. How do I fix it?
var legend = new CompositeLegend(); legend.ChartLayers.Add(layer); legend.Bounds = new Rectangle(5, 85, 80, 12); legend.BoundsMeasureType = MeasureType.Percentage;legend.PE.ElementType = PaintElementType.Gradient;legend.PE.FillGradientStyle = GradientStyle.ForwardDiagonal;legend.PE.Fill = Color.CornflowerBlue;legend.PE.FillStopColor = Color.Transparent;legend.Border.CornerRadius = 10;legend.Border.Thickness = 1;ultraChart.CompositeChart.Legends.Add(legend);
Hello, I would like to know how to change the position of the axis labels x, ie:the labels of the bars are currently visible, and below these, the label of the series,
i have this:
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/HvXU4AE.png" alt="i now have" /> link : http://i.imgur.com/HvXU4AE.png
i I would like them backwards, 1 the series label and under the labels of the corresponding bars
i would like this:
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/YpVsUQE.png" alt="would" /> link: http://i.imgur.com/YpVsUQE.png
You would know tell me how I can do? Thank you very much in advance
I would like to know how I can choose the location of the serieslabel to avoid overlap I like the picture
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/XOEPviS.png" alt="Fatal Error" /> link :http://i.imgur.com/XOEPviS.png"
Bingo! That is what I need. It is working great.
In this case, my suggestion is to use Percentage option. For example:
ChartArea area = new ChartArea();
area.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 90, 80);
area.BoundsMeasureType = MeasureType.Percentage;
Please take a look on attached video file for more details and let me know if you have any questions
One other question I guess. I want to keep from setting the bounds on the Chart Area because I want it to autosize with the form. If I set bounds on the area and the legend they do not respect the resizing and overlap each other. The two options I need are to add the legend at the bottom and it auto resizes with the chart holding its position under the xaxis or in lieu of that I could put an annotation at the top of each yaxis labeling the axis. Can I do either?
I see in the basic basic line chart when you activate the legend and set its location it autoresizes. Can I not do this with the composite chart legend(s)?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the feedback. If you have any further questions, feel free to write me