Is it possible to shrink a grid's width so it will fit the paper size specified during an export?
Hello Kenneth,
Could you please give us more details about your scenario to export the grid in PDF file, because there are few different approaches.
Option 1: using ultraGridDocumentExporter1:
In this case you could set AutoSize = SizeColumnsandRowsToContent property
Option 2: using Documents.Report:
In this case you could modify the settings below :
report.Preferences.Printing.PaperSize = Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.Preferences.Printing.PaperSize.Auto;
report.Preferences.Printing.PaperOrientation = Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.Preferences.Printing.PaperOrientation.Auto;
report.Preferences.Printing.FitToMargins = true;
Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.Grid.IGridColumn column = grid.AddColumn();
column.Width =new Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.RelativeWidth(20);
column = grid.AddColumn();
column.Width =new Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.FixedWidth(100);
Option 3: using UltraGirdPrintDocument:
In this case you could try to set
ultraGridPrintDocument1.FitWidthToPages = 1;
Let me know if you have any questions.
Your suggested option 3 helped me to solve one of my problems.. Thanks.