Hi, Actually i am using your UltraGrid. In run time i m able to drag the column to "Drag a column header here to Group by that Column" but my i want to set header column by using coding. so can u plz provide me which code i used to set the Group by column programatically. Thanks, Waiting Your Reply,
wen i create this event the designe code give me an error Error 6 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BeforeSortChangeEventArgs' does not contain a constructor that takes '1' plz any help thanks
You can handle the BeforeSortChanged event and examine the event arguments to determine what the new sorted state will be. To determine if a column is grouped, you use the IsGroupByColumn property on the column.
hey i am trying to get the column name that user want to group by when he Drag a column header into the ultragrid who can i do this please some help thx
Grouping and sorting and very closely related. So to group a column, you use the SortedColumn.Add method.
grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].SortedColumns.Add("My Column", true, true);