When I set column's AutoCompleteMode to be either Suggest or SuggestAppend, it looses the scrollbar after the first suggest (assuming the suggest results in less than 8 items).l
I have more than 8 items in the drop-down initially and when I start typing, I get the suggest matches as expected (no scrollbar). Once I set the value or clear the value and then drop-down the list again, I am back to getting full item list but this time there is no scrollbar so only first 8 items are visible. From now on, the only way to get to an item after item #8 on the list is by typing something that brings it in via the suggest.
Is this a known bug?
Hello Hristo,
Your video clearly indicates the issue is not present in the latest service release. For now we simply got around this by setting MaxDropDownItems to a higher number than there are items in the list. We'll leave it at that and I will come back to this once we upgrade next time.
Hello Trausti,
I’ve modified my sample and make the test again in order to meet your requirements, please see attached zip where you will find the sample and video of my test. As you can see scrollbar appear if it is needed. So my suggestion is to upgrade your project to the latest service release of Infragistics 13.1 or 13.2 (how to get latest service release http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/29398.aspx )and if you still face the issue, then please post small sample that reproduce it and I will be glad to investigate this further for you.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks for the reply Hirsto. We are using version 2013.1011.
It's always possible that this has been fixed in later serice releases but you did not quite replicate the issue. I think the key here is that when you type in and the suggest kicks in, you need to have fewer than 8 items in your list so the scrollbar goes away. In 2013.1011, once it's gone, it will never appear again.
Can you try again and this time see what happens once the suggest has caused the scrollbar to correctly go away? Does the scrollbar appera again when you clear the value and drop down the list?
Hello ,
Based on the description of your issue I’ve tried to reproduce it on my side. I used Infragistics 13.2 service release 2016 everything works fine for me, in the attached zip you will find my test sample and 7z with video of my test. Please review my sample and let me know if I am missing something.
I am waiting for your feedback