I have an ultratree (ViewStyle = OutlookExpress), can 2 columns show the expansion column?
Thanks. It looks a lot better now.
Ooooh, I see the problem, now. The references have nothing to do with it, I just misunderstood the problem. I thought you were talking about the indentation of the expansion indicators, but you meant the child rows. I misread it, sorry. I didn't even notice that part, so there was nothing in my sample to handle it.
Here's a new sample that works a lot better.
It is not working for me but I think I partly found why.
When I open your test solution (in VS2012), 2 references are wrong (as shown in 86212-references.png).
So I remove the reference to UIElementViewer as it doesn't seem to be required.
I replace the reference to the UltraWinTree with my local (also v12.2).
I run the solution and the children nodes are left aligned (as shown in 86212-rendering.png).
The issue might be that there are 2 versions on v12.2 as shown in 86212-references-code.png)! My version is 12.2.20122.2027 and yours seems to be Can it be the issue? Any fix for my (sub-)version?
I tried this out, and it seems to work okay for me. I have attached an updated sample using CheckOnDisplay.
With your new code, with the Show set to ShowExpansionIndicator.CheckOnDisplay, the nodes without the indicator appears completely left aligned.