I'm going to draw a rectangle on the chart to select a specific area of the chart and then get the data value of the start and end point and pass into another method. I can now get the coordination of start point and end point, but I don't know how to get the data value by using those point.
Could you please give me some sample or points of how to get the data value from a point coordination?
Thanks for the feedback. If you have any further questions, feel free to write us
Thanks Mathew. The IInteraction tool method is exactly what I am looking for. Thank you very much for your help
Hi Georgi,
Thanks for your sample. Actually what I want to achieve is I want to be able to draw a rectangle on a composite chart to select a range of values (both x-axis and y-axis) and then pass into another method to proceed. So far what I can do is to get the location(e.Location) in the mouse event, but this location (X,Y) only gives me the coordination of the mouse pointer. My question is how can I use this location to get the corresponding data values (label) on the x and y axis.
Here is the sample
Hello Kevin,
If I understand well your scenario with rectangle, coordinates, composite chart and looking at your previous forum threads http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/85416/427934.aspx#427934 maybe one possible solution you could find in attached sample and video file.
Let me know if you think that I misunderstood your requirements or if you have any questions.